Our normal phone line is down at the moment. We have a temporary phone number - 069-62354 which we can be reached on.

COVID-19 Update

We are delighted to announce that Mullane Dental has now reopened for all aspects of dental care.

Please call us on 069 62703 or drop us an email at info@mullanedental.ie to arrange an appointment.

Safety Video

Please watch this video to learn how we provide a safe environment for staff & patients. To learn more about the infection control procedures we follow in our practice to keep patients and staff safe, click here.

We look forward to welcoming you back!

Advice & Aftercare

Instructions for Caries Control

  • Brush with fluoridated toothpaste a minimum of twice daily.
  • Rinse with 0.05% sodium fluoride m/w after meals if possible.
  • Place Fluoride gel or GC moouse  (do not use if have protein milk allergies) at night time in bleaching trays for 5 minutes after brushing. Expectorate( spit out ) the residue. Do not rinse mouth, drink eat for over 30 minutes after use.
  • Rinse with 10 ml of a 0.12% rinse for 1 minute at night at least 1 hour after brushing with fluoridated toothpaste and after removing any prosthesis. Do this for 1 week every month.
  • Chew xylitol-containing gum twice daily for 15 minutes with a total xylitol dose of 7 to 10 g per day.
  • I will apply fluoride varnish 2-3 times a year on exposed root surfaces.

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Instructions for Caries Control